

Barrie Reads Evergreen 2010 Event

Barrie Reads Evergreen is following in the footsteps of CBC’s very successful Canada Reads. 10 local luminaries have been invited to champion the books that have been nominated for the Ontario Library Association’s prestigious Evergreen Award 2010, and they are already busy reading.

Join us for an evening of discussion, voting, refreshments, and door prizes when local luminaries will champion their chosen Evergreen books.

Friday September 24

7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Angus Ross Room, Barrie Public Library

All adults welcome. For more information contact Alison Brumwell by email or by phone 728-1010 ext. 7084.

You can participate too! Start reading the nominated books now.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Page and Turners

Page and Turners Bookstore on Dunlop Street in downtown Barrie has confirmed they'll be in attendance at Barrie Reads Evergreen on Friday September 24th. This would be a great opportunity to pick up a copy of your favourite nominated Evergreen title. It's going to be a great evening. I can't wait.

Page and Turners on Facebook.

Everyone's reading the Evergreen nominees!

I'm ready to ready another Evergreen title but unfortunately, all of the nominees are presently checked out. I suppose that's a good thing though. I'm glad to know our patrons are reading the books. That must mean we're going to have a good turnout for the Barrie Reads Evergreen event on September 24th, right?

Friday, August 20, 2010

In the News!

The Barrie Advance wrote an excellent article about the upcoming Barrie Reads Evergreen event on September 24th at Barrie Public Library. Check it out using the link I've included. I love the picture of Dr. Julie Deroo from Ferris Lane Animal Hospital!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Old City Hall

I'm almost done reading this excellent legal thriller by Robert Rotenberg. The familiar setting of 'Old City Hall' - Toronto - really helps you to see the story unfold in your mind in great detail. I think the main characters in the story are well fleshed out and Detectives Ari Greene and Daniel Kennicott (formerly a lawyer, ) are extremely likeable. I love the brisk pace of this book. The concept of the accused not saying a word is different but intriguing. I hope the reasoning behind this action is revealed before the end of the novel. I understand the Robert Rotenberg is writing another novel which includes a librarian! I will definitely be sure to pick it up.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Burmese Lessons: A Love Story

I recently spoke with Marge Bruineman, Burmese Lesson's champion, and she indicated to me that she really enjoyed this book. She also hinted that there's definitely a romantic element to it. Burmese Lessons is the longest book on the the list of Evergreen Award nominees. Up until talking with Marge, I wasn't sure if I would be able to get through it before the big event on September 24th. Now that I know it's a super read, I'm going to have to make the time to read it. I hope Marge will weigh in here with more specific comments about Karen Connelly's book.